Teacher Appreciation week is May 6-10 and we are hoping to count on you. Our theme this year is “PARIS 2024 OLYMPICS- OUR TEACHERS AND STAFF TAKE THE GOLD”
1) If you have not yet contributed to the TAW fund and would like to, please login to your Membership Toolkit account and click on the Highcrest Store to donate (suggested amount of $10/student). This will help complete our plans, including meals, gifts and raffle prizes for our fabulous teachers and staff. The deadline to contribute is Saturday, May 11th. A HUGE thank you to everyone who has contributed so far! 
2) The Committee has a full week of events planned (see sign-up genius below). Please consider signing up. We know your time is valuable and your help is so greatly appreciated!  
3) FLOWER DAY! On Tuesday, May 7th please send your student to school with 3-5 flowers. These flowers will be collected during drop-off at both entry doors of the school (look for the volunteers with orange buckets!); that morning, teachers will have an opportunity to come to the tables in the main hallway and assemble their own arrangements.
4) Using the attached printable, have your student complete a drawing for their homeroom teacher AND one “specials” teacher. These can be turned in to the “collection bins” at school- one near the office and one near the cafeteria- no later than Wednesday, May 8th. The drawings will be put into a keepsake folder for each teacher and given to them on Friday. 
If you have any questions at all, please reach out to the PTO Teacher Appreciation Committee Chair, Julie Monnet (juliemonnet@mac.com). Thank you, Highcrest Families! We truly could not put this week together without all of your support!
Julie, Anne, Tracy & Sara
Teacher Appreciation Committee